Typically color blindness is caused by genetics. However it can also be the result of diseases like diabetes and multiple sclerosis. It also can happen with the natural aging process.
Most people who are color blind are able to see things as clearly. They just interpret colors diferently. There are different kinds of color blindness and there are extremely rare cases where a person may not be able to see color at all.
The most common color blindness is known as red/green color blind. The person doesn't just confuse reds and greens, they also mix up all colors that have some red or green hues. They may mix up a purple and pink crayon because they both have red in the color.
Other problems can arise across the whole color spectrum affecting all reds, greens, oranges, browns, purples, pinks and greys. Even black can be confused as dark green or dark blue.
If you think you or someone you know has a form of color blindness we can test for it at our office. Just call and make an appointment to learn more!